2002, Number 3
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2002; 35 (3)
Major depression and menopause. A controlled study
Lara TH, Bravo LM, Meléndez MJD, Gutiérrez CE
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 138-143
PDF size: 148.30 Kb.
Background. menopause depression constitutes one
of the biggest psychopathologic problems in our country,
few studied and frequently overruled.
Objective. to explore characteristics of patients with
major depression and menopause as compared with patients
with major depression without endocrinal disorders.
Methods. Considered clinical characteristics of female
patients with diagnosis of major depression according
DSM IV criteria during the period of menopause, we studied
60 women with this diagnosis divided in two groups:
One with menopause symptoms, and other without them.
Results. Both groups have similar data in DSM IV criteria
and similar ratings in Zung ADS, nevertheless have
differences in MMPI profiles, where the menopause group
show hysterical profiles, and more antecedents of premenstrual
tension, with higher correlation with estrogens
levels during perimenopause stage, and vasomotor
Conclusions. These elements are relevant for differential
diagnosis and substitutive hormonal treatment in conjunction
with antidepressants.
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