2017, Number 2
Characterization of the level of older people’s knowledge regarding accidents
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 150-153
PDF size: 395.47 Kb.
A descriptive cross-sectional research was carried out at «Centro Victoria» Popular County from «Mario A. Pérez» Policlinic in Sagua la Grande between July and December, 2015 with the aim of characterizing level of older people’s knowledge regarding accidents; universe was 558 older people belonging to 2, 3 and 4 doctors’ offices and sample was constituted by 240. Several variables were studied, such as age, gender, knowledge regarding accidents and their prevention. The mean age in the sample was 72.3 years and percentage of women was 55.8 %. Most of them were able to identify the main causes of accidents, the most dangerous places and ways to prevent them; however, accident rate was high in this age group. The design of an educational program in the health area is recommended to determine its community impact.REFERENCES
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