2016, Number 3
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CorSalud 2016; 8 (3)
Obesity and cardiovascular risk in pregnant women
Sarasa Muñoz, Nélida L; Hernández Díaz, Danay; Satorre Ygualada, Jesús A
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 200-202
PDF size: 221.50 Kb.
Text Extraction
Obesity is a chronic disease, which has been considered as the epidemic of the XXI century. Its spread is produced from highly industrialized countries towards those of low economic and industrial potential, and it is a responsibility of health services and systems globally. This epidemic has particularly affected the female sex, to the point that in 2014 about 15% of the world's female population was obese, a situation doubly threatening because of the risk of perpetuating this condition in successive generations through reproduction; responsibility that lies in pregnant women with overweight, to which it is added that, in recent decades, more and more women reach conception in overweight or obese condition.
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