2017, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2017; 21 (1)
Report of a patient with right atrial tumor
Mulet GAM, Pedrosa SD, del Collado VR
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 311-318
PDF size: 319.91 Kb.
A seven-year-old female patient, with syncope, chest pain and fever was presented, who came to the "Ángel López Rondón" Emergency Department of Garcia municipality, Nueva Esparta state, Venezuela. On physical examination strong tricuspid sound, an intense early diastolic sound and diastolic noise on low left parasternal border, enlarged liver and jugular engorgement. Echocardiogram showed an intracardiac mass in right atrium compatible with Myxoma. Surgical intervention was successfully performed, without histological confirmation Differential.
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