2017, Number 1
Choroidal malignant melanoma: a case report
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 295-304
PDF size: 332.19 Kb.
Choroidal malignant melanoma is the most frequent intraocular tumor in adults. Its clinical evolution is very variable and it is a potential hazard for the life of the affected people. The case of a 42-year-old Caucasian urban male patient is reported. The patient presented to the Ophthalmological Center of Holguín complaining of slow and progressive loss of vision of about 2-years´ evolution that initially began as a peripheral visual field defect up to affect central vision. The ophthalmoscopy showed an elevated grayish-brown-colored mushroom-shaped tumoral lesion next to the papilla that produced a secondary tent-like retinal detachment. He was diagnosed as carrier of choroidal malignant melanoma and was referred to The National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology where the enucleation of his righ eye ball was performed and the diagnosis was confirmed through pathological study. The main risk factors, clinical presentation, clinical research findings for diagnosis, treatment, evolution and prognosis were discussed from the information obtained from his clinical record.REFERENCES
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