2017, Number 1
Presentation of a child with hepatic hemangioendothelioma
Language: Spanish
References: 6
Page: 286-294
PDF size: 467.31 Kb.
Multifocal, bilobular and symptomatic infantile hepatic haemangioenthelioma is one of the most frequent vascular tumors in the infant. An eight month baby from an normal mother´s pregnancy, with previous history of skin hemangiomatosis at the age of 6 moths was described in this article, who was admitted at Intensive Care Unit due to shorteness of breath, abdominal mass, poor respiratory effort and cyanosis. The patient required oxygen supply then was changed to mandatory ventilation due to respiratory failure. This therapy was unsuccessfully and after tachycardia the patient died. Abdominal X ray, diagnostic ultrasound and computed tomography, were used to describe the multifocal and bilobular lesions related to hemangioendoteliomas. The imagenological techniques is useful to determine the characteristics between malignant and benign lesion of the liver.REFERENCES
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