2017, Number 1
Uremia prevalence in diabetic patients of 'René Ávila Reyes' Polyclinic of Holguin
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 19-32
PDF size: 356.27 Kb.
Introduction: among the studies in diabetic patients, determination of urea is considered as one of the first symptoms of chronic renal disease.Objectives: to characterize the uremia prevalence in diabetic patients at "René Ávila" polyclinic of Holguín.
Methods: a cross-sectional research was carried out about the prevalence of the uremia in diabetic patients. The universe was integrated by 292 diabetic patients that were assisted in the consultation of integral care to the diabetic patients from January to June 2013, at "René Ávila" polyclinic and the sample comprised 141 diabetic patients of 1 and 2 types, and accepted to take part in the research. The sample was simple random. The information was obtained through an interview and the statistical registrations of chemistry department of clinical laboratory.
Results: the incidence of the uremia was represented by 14.90% of the studied patients under sugar imbalance and the diabetic type 2 patients with 90.48%, prevailing the dietary transgressions and stress as main disorder causes for 47.62% and 42.86% respectively.The female sex was the most affected one with 52.38%, the moderate high figures were the prevailing ones (76.20%).The first trimester was the one of highest incidence, represented by 15.19%.
Conclusions: the diabetic types 2 patients are the most vulnerable to suffer from a chronic renal disease. The sugar imbalance by different causes increases the risks for a chronic renal disease.The increase of the figures of blood urea can be a sign of an imminent renal damage.
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