2012, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2012; 4 (2)
Methodological and conceptual skills in daily work of the behavioral science
Morales CS
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 126-129
PDF size: 118.05 Kb.
The goal of this paper is to comment and support the philosophical
contribution of the original author (Santoyo, 2012)
about the importance of the translational research as a fountain
of knowledge for developmental and behavioral sciences.
Specifically, I underline the relevant proposals considered with
greater motivational function to enrich and create ways of
action by the health professional, particularly by the psychologist
dedicated to the social solutions as a translational researcher.
I stand out the contributions, where there is both
few literature and few historical efforts on the translational
research field, appreciating the underlying work done by the
author of the original paper and making emphasis on their
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