2004, Number 4
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Rev Hosp Jua Mex 2004; 71 (4)
La nanobacteria (Nanobacterium sanguineum) y su participación en aterotrombosis por calcificación de la placa ateromatosa y otras patologías. Estudio preliminar
Osmanchuk D
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 143-149
PDF size: 832.99 Kb.
Atherosclerosis is an inflamatory disease stimulated by various infectious agents. The nanobacterium (
Nanobacterium sanguineum
Ns) is a new infectious calcifying agent found in the blood which causes life-long infections and affects adversely the human cells,
causing atherosclerosis in the blood vessels. Several representative clinical trials and a new pharmacological therapeutic system are
presented with spiral computer tomographyc controls that confirm the favourable results.
Ċkerman KK, Kuronen I, Kajander EO. Scanning electron microscopy of Nanobacteria-novel biofilm producing organisms in blood. Scanning 1993; 15(Suppl. 3): 90-1.
Kajander EO, Tahvanainen E, Kuronen I, Çiftçioglu N. Comparison of Staphylococci and novel bacteria-like particles from blood. Zbl Bakt 1994; (Suppl.)26: 147-9.
Miller-Hjelle MA, Hjelle JT, Çiftçioglu N, Kajander EO. Nanobacteria. Methods for growth and identification of this recently discovered calciferous agent. In: Rapid Microbiological Methods for the 21th Century. Olson W, Horwood D (eds.). Raleigh, N.C.: Int. Publishers, Ltd.; 2003, in press March.
Kajander EO. Nanobacteria do exist and actively participate in the calcification of arterial plaque. In: Townsend letter for doctors & patients 2003; 234: 80-2.
Kajander EO, Kuronen I, Ċkerman K, Pelttari A, Çiftçioglu N. Nanobacteria from blood, the smallest culturable autonomously replicating agent on earth. Proc SPIE 1997; 3111: 420-8.
Kajander EO, Aho K, Segal V. Apatite biofilm forming agent: Nanobacteria as a model system for biomineralization and biological standard for NOA, a preliminary study. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Near-Field Optical analysis: Photodynamic therapy& Photobiology effects. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on NOA, Houston, Texas 30.05 01.06.01. NASA/CP 2002-210786: pp. 51-57, October 2002.
Çiftçioglu N, Çiftçioglu V, Vali H, Turcott E, Kajander O. Sedimentary rocks in our mouth: Dental pulp stones made by Nanobacteria. Proc SPIE 1998; 3441: 130-5.
Neva Çiftçioglu; David S. McKay; E. Olavi Kajander. Nanobacteria might be one of the potential agents in Oral Flora Triggering Peripheral Arterial Diseases. Correspondence to Circulation, in press 2003.
Kajander EO, Çiftçioglu N. Nanobacteria: an alternative mechanism for pathogenic intra- and extracellular calcification and stone formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998; 95: 8274- 9. This article was accompanied by Editorial Commentary An infectious origin of extraskeletal calcification by Dennis A. Carson, PNAS 95: 7846-7847, 1998. Additional news articles included Bacteria to blame for kidney stones? by Gretchen Vogel, Science 281: 153, 1998; Mean microbes. Hard little bugs could cause everything from tumours to dementia by Michael Day, New Scientist 11 July, 1998, p.11; Nanobacteria may lie at the heart of kidney stones by Jane Bradbury, Lancet 352: 121, 1998.
Çiftçioglu N, Björklund M, Kuorikoski K, Bergström K, Kajander EO. Nanobacteria: an infectious cause for kidney stone formation. Kidney International 1999; 56: 1893-8.
Hjelle JT, Miller-Hjelle MA, Poxton IR, Kajander O, Çiftçioglu N, Jones ML, Caughey RC, Brown R, Millikin PD, Darras FS. Endotoxin and nanobacteria in polycystic kidney disease. Kidney International 2000; 57: 2360-74.
Cuerpo EG, Kajander EO, Çiftçioglu N, Castellano FL, Correa C, González J, Mampaso F, Liaño F, de Gambiola EG, Barrilero ÁE. Nanobacteria. Un modelo de neolitogénesis experimental. Arch Esp Urol 2000; 53(4): 291-303.
Kajander EO, Çiftçioglu N, Miller-Hjelle MA, Hjelle JT. Nanobacteria: controversial pathogens in nephrolithiasis and polycystic kidney disease. Current Opinions in Nephrology and Hypertension 2001; 10: 445-52.
Vali H, McKee MD, Çiftçioglu N, Sears SK, Plows FL, Chelvet E, Ghiasi P, Kajander EO, Zare RN. Nanoforms: a new type of protein-associated mineralization. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 2001; 65: 63-74.
Garcia-Cuerpo E, Kajander EO. Litogénesis. Hacia un nuevo planteamiento. Arch Esp Urol 54(9): 2001; 851-3.
Sommer AP, Kajander EO. Nanobacteria-induced kidney stone formation: Novel paradigm based on the FERMIC model. Crystal Growth & Design 2002; 2: 563-5.
Kajander EO, Ciftcioglu N, Aho K, Carcia-Cuerpo E. Characteristics of nanobacteria and their possible role in stone formation. Invited Editorial. Urol Res 2003; 31: 47-54. DOI: 10.1007/s00240-003-0304-7.
Çiftçioglu N, Kuronen I, Ċkerman K, Hiltunen E, Laukkanen J, Kajander EO. A new potential threat in antigen and antibody products: Nanobacteria. In: Vaccines 97. Brown F, Burton D, Doherty P, Mekalanos J, Norrby E. (Eds.). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor. 1997, p. 99- 103.
Ċkerman KK, Kuikka JT, Çiftçioglu N, Parkkinen J, Bergström KA, Kuronen I, Kajander EO. Radiolabeling and in vivo distribution of nanobacteria in rabbit. Proc SPIE 1997; 3111: 436-42.
Çiftçioglu N, Pelttari A, Kajander EO. Extraordinary growth phases of nanobacteria isolated from mammalian blood. Proc SPIE 3111: 1997; 429-35.
Çiftçioglu N, Kajander EO. Interaction of Nanobacteria with cultured mammalian cells. Pathophysiology 1998; 4: 259-70.
Björklund M, Çiftçioglu N, Kajander EO. Extraordinary survival of nanobacteria under extreme conditions. Proc SPIE 1998; 3441: 123-9.
Kajander EO, Çiftçioglu N, Björklund M. Mineralization by Nanobacteria. Proc SPIE 1998; 3441: 86-94.
Çiftçioglu M, Björklund E, Kajander O. Stone formation and calcification by nanobacteria in human body. Proc SPIE 1998; 3441: 105-11.
Kajander EO, Björklund M, Çiftçioglu N. Suggestions from observations on nanobacteria isolated from blood. Organized by Space Studies Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, October 22-23, 1998, Washington, D. C., 6 pages, Size limits of very small microorganisms: Proceedings of a Workshop, Steering Group on Astrobiology of the Space Studies Board, National Research Council, 1999. The presentation was commented by Gretchen Vogel in Science 1998; 282: 1399.
Kajander EO, Björklund M, Çiftçioglu N. Nanobacteria and man. In: Enigmatic microorganisms and life in extreme environments. Seckbach J. (Ed.). Kluwer (the Netherlands); 1999, p. 195-204.
Kajander EO, Çiftçioglu N. Nanobacteria as extremophiles (invited paper). Proc SPIE 2000; 3755: 106-12.
Çiftçioglu N, Kajander EO. Nanobacterial growth factors for Nanobacteria (invited paper). Proc SPIE 2000; 3755: 113-9.
Kajander EO, Heinonen T, Kuronen I, Luoto K, Çiftçioglu N. Nanobacteria, mycoplasma and bacterial L-forms; problems for sterile filtration. 30th R3. Nordic Contamination Control Symposium. Helsinki, Finland, May 30-June 2, 1999.
Kajander EO, Heinonen T, Kuronen I, Luoto K, Ciftcioglu N. A new problem for sterile filtration: nanobacteria. In: Proceedings, WorldPharm 99, October 1999, p. 26-8. Philadelphia. Advanstar Communications, Cleveland, Oh Pp. 243-252, 1999.
Kajander O. Nanobacteria in health and disease. In: Pleomorphic microbes in health and disease. Proceedings of the first annual symposium held June 18-19, 1999. Gitte S, Jensen PhD, Holger NIS (Eds). Inc. Hudson, Quebec p. 43-8, 199Neva Çiftçioglu. Microbial presence versus pathogenicity. In: Pleomorphic microbes in health and disease. Proceedings of the first annual symposium held June 18-19, 1999. Edited by: S. Jensen Ph.D. Holger N.I.S. Inc. p. 49-53, 1999.
Kajander O, Nanobakterier-Kontroversiella. Patogener vid Njursjukdomar som ocksċ Länkar Medicinen till Geologin och Astrobiologin. 2000-Talets Vetenskap 2001; 2: 3-9.
Çiftçioglu N, Miller-Hjelle MA. Hjelle JT, Kajander EO. Inhibition of nanobacteria by antimicrobial drugs as measured by a modified microdilution method. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2002; 46: 2088-6.
Sommer AP, Hassinen H, Kajander EO. Light-induced replication of nanobacteria. A preliminary report. J Clin Laser Med Surg 2002; 20: 241-4.
Sommer AP, Oron U, Kajander EO, Mester AR. Stressed cells survive better with light. J Proteome Res 2002; 1: 475.
Li Y, Wen Y, Yang Z, Wei H, Liu W, Tan A, Wu X, Wang Q, Huang S, Kajander EO, Çiftçioglu N. Culture and identification of nanobacteria in bile. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 2002; 82: 1557-60.
Sommer AP, McKay DS, Çiftçioglu, Uri Oron, Mester AR, Kajander EO. Living NanovesiclesChemical and Physical Survival Strategies of Primordial Biosystems. Perspectives J Proteome Res, in press 2003, prepublication in the web ASAP Article; DOI: 10.1021/pr034005h.
Aho K, Kajander EO. Pitfalls in the detection of novel nanoorganisms. Letters to the Editor. J Clin Microbiol 2003; 41(7): 3460-1.
Sommer AP, Oron U, Pretorius AM, McKay DS, Çiftçioglu N, Mester AR, Kajander EO, Whelan HT. A preliminary investigation into light-modulated replication of nanobacteria and heart disease. J Clin Laser Med Surg 2003; 21: 229-332.