2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2013; 5 (1)
Parental practices and role perception in parents of teenagers
Moral RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 6-19
PDF size: 189.16 Kb.
This paper had three main purposes. In the first place, describe
the parental practices in terms of affect and control. In the
second place, analyze the self-definition of each parent as
father or mother and, in the third place, describe the concepts
given by parents to others parents of the same sex. An
open-ended questionnaire was applied to 64 mothers and
64 fathers of adolescents (
n = 128). A content analysis was
applied to the data. Fathers and mothers reported a similar
educational style with dominance of the control function
for their sons and daughters. The effect of social desirability
in the answers is emphasized through the data analysis and
discussion. It is suggested to control this effect in order to
develop instruments for assessment of parental practices of
both parents and adolescents.
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