2017, Number 2
DIPLOPED: an alternative of distance learning for the pedagogical preparation of teachers
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 140-156
PDF size: 144.48 Kb.
Background: it is necessary to strengthen the pedagogical preparation of teachers through postgraduate studies using distance learning.Objective: to design a virtual course for distance learning for the pedagogical preparation of teachers.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional investigation was carried out at "Lidia Doce Sánchez" university site from September 2013 to April 2014. Different theoretical and empirical methods were used for the search and processing of information and the criterion of specialists for the evaluation of the elaborated product.
Results: it was verified that the majority of the teachers are bachelors in non-pedagogical specialties; they have little experience and the assistant teaching rank is predominant among them. According to the applied pedagogical test almost all of them present learning needs in aspects related to pedagogy, determined by the low marking level they got, reason why a postgraduate course in distance learning was designed, whose digital support comprises a CD- ROM containing all its elements including an extensive bibliography on the many topics it addresses.
Conclusions: it was evaluated by specialists as pertinent and with adequate scientificmethodological treatment, because it favors the improvement of instructional and educational skills in teaching practice.
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