2013, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2013; 5 (2)
Steps to a Relational Psychopathology
Linares JL, Soriano JA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 119-146
PDF size: 427.51 Kb.
Systemic family therapy was never comfortable with the way
in which psychopathology was diagnosed, and as a result it
failed to take on the task of giving it relational content. In
recent years, various fields within psychology and psychiatry
have also launched critiques of the systems used to classify
mental disorders. Consequently, greater efforts now need to
be made to investigate the relational bases of psychopathology
so as to offer a sound alternative to diagnosis based on
the biomedical model. The author proposes the concept of
guiding metaphor as being the key to a diagnosis inspired by
relational complexity. Mental health is the result of correct
relational nurturing, a notion that implies the subjective experience
of being loved in a complex way.
Complex love is more
than just an affective phenomenon that includes cognitive,
emotional and pragmatic components. Therefore, a mentally
healthy individual should have the experience not only of
being the object of loving thoughts and feelings, but also of
being treated in a loving way. Blocking or interfering with any
of these components can lead to a partial and relatively specific
deficit of relational nurturing, and such deficits underlie
various forms of psychopathology. The paper describes four
broad areas of psychopathology, namely psychosis, neurosis,
depression and social attachment disorders, each with its
corresponding set of symptoms and its respective personality
disorders, which are inappropriately separated into different
diagnostic levels. Correlations are also established between
the four broad diagnostic groups and other relational dysfunctions
linked to the family of origin, where the marital and
parental functions combine to produce three basic kinds of
psychological maltreatment: triangulation, deprivation and
chaotization, the establishment of chaotic relationships. Defining
the relational bases of psychopathology should enable
us to take steps towards the establishment of specific criteria
that could guide therapeutic intervention.
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