2017, Number 1
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salud publica mex 2017; 59 (1)
Analysis of cigarette demand in Argentina: the impact of price changes on consumption and government revenues
Rodríguez-Iglesias G, Schoj V, Chaloupka F, Champagne B, González-Rozada M
Language: English
References: 35
Page: 95-101
PDF size: 359.42 Kb.
Objective. To estimate cigarette demand and to simulate
a tax policy targeted to reduce tobacco consumption.
and methods. Demand was estimated using a
vector error correction model. Simulation exercises present
the impact of a tax increase on consumption and revenues.
Results. Changes in real income and the real price of cigarettes
affect the demand for cigarettes in Argentina. The long
term price elasticity is 0.279 (a 10% increase in real prices
reduces cigarette consumption by 2.79% per quarter) and the
long term income elasticity is 0.411 (a 10% increase in real
income raises consumption by 4.11% per quarter). Even in a
conservative scenario, simulations show that increasing the
price of cigarettes by 100% using excise taxes would maximize
revenues and reduce cigarette consumption.
There is sufficient room to increase taxes, reducing cigarette
consumption, while still increasing tax revenues.
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