2016, Number 4
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Rev Cub Oftal 2016; 29 (4)
Clinical and surgical management of congenital anophthalmia and microphthalmia
Rojas RI, Turiño PH, Ramírez GL, Duperet CD, Carrazana PYM, Rodríguez MS
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 663-673
PDF size: 134.69 Kb.
Congenital anophthalmia and microphthalmia are infrequent ocular defects at the time
of birth as a result of alterations in the organ genesis of the eye caused by the action
of genetic and/or environmental factors during the embryonic development. These
anomalies bring about serious visual impairment to people who suffer it and have
great impact on the psychosocial context. Early diagnosis and treatment allows visual stimulation at younger ages, partial or total correction of the anomaly and a better
quality of life for these patients, even when it is not possible to avoid blindness. The
behavior before these affections is complex and controversial; it represents a
challenge for the oculoplasty surgeon and the prosthesis specialist. The objective of
this literature review was to delve into the adequate clinical and surgical management
of these anomalies.
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