2014, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2014; 6 (1)
Death anxiety and coping in people living with HIV/AIDS and general population
Miaja ÁM, Moral RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 26-42
PDF size: 249.65 Kb.
The objectives of the present study were to describe the level
of death anxiety in people living with HIV/AIDS (
n = 300)
and general population (
n = 300), to study the association
and predict death anxiety through coping and sociodemographic
variables in both samples, in addition to clinical
variables in HIV positives, and observe differences between
the two samples in these relationships. In both samples the
Death Anxiety Scale and the Stress Coping Questionnaire
were applied. There was an association between coping and
death anxiety, more pronounced in the clinical sample than
in general population. Negative coping style and avoidance
strategy, as well as lower educational level, stood out as predictors
of death anxiety. In the clinical sample, the survival
expectations factor, consisting of antiretroviral treatment
follow-up, longer time since diagnosis and undetected viral
load, predicted a lower level of death anxiety.
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