2014, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (1)
Differences in psychological functions in public and private nursing
Ortiz NG, Quintanar OF
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 22-44
PDF size: 469.71 Kb.
We present the results of a study comparing the scores on
the different neuropsychological functions, evaluated with
Neuropsi Test in elderly groups belonging to two different
institutions involved in neuropsychological stimulation
workshops; one of the institutions was open population and
other institutionalized population. We evaluated each of the
neuropsychological functions in all participants that the
researchers organized in four independent groups,
comparing the results under the conditions pretest, posttest,
control and experimental. It highlights the difference that, in
general, neuropsychological evaluations are used to make
diagnoses, but found no references which make
comparisons between groups of different units which are
discussed in the conclusions. We compare the results
analyzed and discussed and evaluated by area institution ,
where it was observed that in the graphical analysis of each
of the areas there are slight differences in each
neuropsychological function according to the evaluated
group , also identified institutional differences and discuss
changes that occurred in the groups of participants , it
suggests that the results are considered as potential
indicators and precautions elements to consider when
working with institutions such as those investigated in this
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