2016, Number 1
Need for variations in the hospital structures of the geriatrics services
Lluis RGE
Language: Spanish
References: 4
Page: 104-106
PDF size: 38.94 Kb.
Aging leads to variations in hospital structures. The author's experience for more than 20 years in hospital care for elderly reservists and veterans allows us to affirm that we must continue working to improve structural capacities and geriatric care. An investigation in elderly veterans of the defense showed the existence of high prevalence of diverse deficiencies and chronic diseases that affect health. Central Military Hospitals and Army Hospitals must have a Geriatrics Service where the elderly will be fully evaluated. Preparing health institutions to meet the challenge of aging population is a strategic projection of work conceived in the Cuban Communist Party Guidelines.REFERENCES
Lluis Ramos GE, Llibre Rodríguez JJ, Samper Noa JA, Laucerique Pardo T. Propuesta de evaluación geriátrica para su aplicación en los centros asistenciales de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias. Rev Cubana Med Mil. 2005 [citado 18 May 2009];34(1): Disponible en: http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/mgi/vol20_4_04/mgi09404.htm