2016, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2016; 45 (1)
Perception of physical competencies is related to the reaction time of civilian police of special operations units
Andrade A, Hech DF, Sousa MT
Language: Portugués
References: 24
Page: 30-39
PDF size: 76.78 Kb.
Introduction: evidences suggest that reaction time (RT) is a sensible variable in
the performance and motivational predisposition assessment of police officers. Such
motivational component may indicate the person's ability perception to respond to
specific demands, and it may present better responses to situations which requires
speed and choice reaction time.
Objective: our study aimed to determine the relationship between reaction time
performance and physical competence perception of police officers at special
operation units.
Methods: a total of 22 police officers from Santa Catarina State, all of them,
members of Special Operation Coordination (COPE), average age 34.5 ± 9.1 yearsold,
were investigated. Reaction time was investigated by Vienna Test System
Software. Strength, flexibility, and aerobic endurance questions were used to
evaluate physical competence perception. Assessment Questionnaire of Physical
Activity was carried out to evaluate Physical activity level. Data was analized by
descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: results indicated that physical competence perception is related to RT
(r= -0.69; p ‹ 0.001). As higher was perception, lower was RT. Flexibility
(r= -0.50; p ‹ 0.01) and aerobic endurance (r= -0.55; p ‹ 0.001) perceptions were
negatively related to RT. Physical activity practice was negatively related to RT
(r= -0.48; p ‹ 0.05) and weekly time exposed to physical activity leads to a higher
perception of competence (r= 0.59; p ‹ 0.01).
Conclusion: physical competence perception is related to RT of Police Officers at
Special Operation Units. A higher competence perception seems to influence police
motivation and their performance. Perceptions are an emotional component and is
related to a better cognitive processing, resulting in better RT.
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