2016, Number 6
Educational intervention on vaginal infection and risk factors in pregnant women, family doctor´s Office # 72, Barranca, 2015-2016
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 78-90
PDF size: 188.93 Kb.
It was made a research on community trial bases with the objective of increasing the level of knowledge about vaginal infection and risk factors in pregnant women from family doctor´s office from Barranca, from university polyclinic "13 de Marzo", Bayamo municipality, Granma province, from May 2015 to May 2016. We applied a survey in the diagnostic stage to a group of 50 pregnant women, and there were studied a simple of 44 who fulfilled inclusion criteria, after that we developed educational intervention stage through a lessons program with selected topics according to the investigation objective. Results were validated through simple counting, and they were expressed in absolute numbers and percentage. After intervention it was notably increased the percentage of pregnant women with knowledge about vaginal infections (84, 1 %). It was known that to know about adequate technique of cleanliness with boiled water, the use of condom, influence positively to avoid vaginal infections. It was possible to positively modify knowledge levels about vaginal infections according to the concept of disease, kind of infections and risk factors.REFERENCES
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