2016, Number 5
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Mul Med 2016; 20 (5)
Security of patient during transfer in mobile medical emergency. Bayamo 2014-2016
Gómez FJE, Fonseca GY, Fornaris CY, Rosabal LMF, Frutos RYK
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 191-202
PDF size: 170.80 Kb.
A cross-sectional retrospective descriptive study was performed in patients classified as medical emergencies that were rescued by the integrated system of medical emergencies of Bayamo from January 2014 to February 2015. The sample was composed by 325 patients. Deeping into the different areas of care during the transfer to show actions that provide security in transfer of medical emergencies, rescued by the integrated system of medical emergencies and with the specific purpose of describing the hemodynamic status of the patient in the collection and in the arrival, showing nursing actions that ensure safety during the transfer, describing clinical complications, and those arising from adverse events during the transfer to calculate the percentages. Results showed that only 3538 % presented hemodynamic stability in collection and 80 % without hemodynamic stability at the time of arrival according to nursing procedures for vital signs only 45,4 % had accidental way out of Levine probe and the psychomotor agitation as clinical complication in 22,98 % of the patients. We conclude that most of the patients had hemodynamic instability on arrival. All of them received monitoring, there were also determined low percentages of complications for adverse and clinical events.
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