2016, Number 5
Socio-demographic factors and sexual behavior associated to the appearance of syphilis in pregnant women. Granma. January 2012-2015
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 144-162
PDF size: 419.19 Kb.
It was made a case control analytical study in Granma province from January 2012 to January 2015, with the purpose of identifying some socio-demographic factors and the sexual behavior associated to the appearance of syphilis in pregnant women. Cases and controls were selected in proportion 1:1. To identify the association it was used odds ratio (Woolf and Cornfield), with a confidence interval of 95 % and significance for p ‹ 0.05. Place of residence and occupation, no working bond, showed risk values OR › 2, however, with statistic significance only the place of residence had a value of p ‹ 0.05, the antecedents of sexually transmitted diseases before the pregnancy and the instability of sexual partner in the last twelve months favored the appearance of syphilis in pregnant women (p ‹ 0.05). The logistic regression analysis in the last twelve showed that the antecedents of sexually transmitted diseases and instability of sexual partner exceeded OR value in two, meaning double risk to be sick for syphilis in pregnant women in both groups. To be a resident of an urban area, to be without working, not to be protected in sexual relations, instability of sexual partners in the last twelve months, and to have antecedents of sexually transmitted disease before pregnancy constitute preventable risk factors, so it could be reduced the appearance of syphilis in pregnant women and eliminating by this transmission of congenital syphilis.REFERENCES
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