2016, Number 5
Risk factors for myocardial acute infarction in patients with diagnosis of hypertension
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 129-143
PDF size: 190.61 Kb.
Introduction: coronary disease is the principal cause of cardiovascular death, a half of deaths is closely related to myocardial acute infarction.Objective: to identify the influence of some risk factors in the appearance of myocardial acute infarction in patients with diagnosis of hypertension.
Method: a case-control analytical study was carried out on patients affected by myocardial acute infarction diagnosed with hypertension admitted in provincial hospital "Carlos M. de Cespedes", Granma province from January 1 to December 31 2015. The sample was composed by 120 patients, randomly assigned in proportion 1:1 (60 cases and 60 controls).
Results: analysis showed the majority of the factors searched constituted a risk for the appearance of myocardial acute infarction. While evaluating independent value of the different risk factors on the occurrence of disease, it was demonstrated the occurrence risk is 8, 23 times (CI 95 %, p: 0.000) more for those presenting severe hypertension, it constituted the greatest risk factor, followed by hypercholesterolemia and the evolution time greater or equal to fifteen years, with the probability of appearance of 6.47 y 5.53, respectively, both with CI 95 %, p: 0.000.
Conclusions: it is concluded that the obtained values in the logistic regression model for risk factors of independent influence in the appearance of hypertensive patients showed great probability to develop it.
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