2016, Number 5
Risk factors associated with cervical cancer in the health area of Santa Rita
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 110-128
PDF size: 275.03 Kb.
It was carried out an analytical type of case-control study in Santa Rita polyclinic health care in Jiguani, Granma province, from January 1st 2012 to December 31, 2014 to identify risk factors associated with the occurrence of cervical cancer. The sample consisted of 50 females older than 25 years diagnosed with the disease. Patients´ data were obtained from a survey applied to patients and their medical histories. It was applied as an epidemiological tool to have a measure that quantifies the association between the disease and the risk factor strength the odds ratio and chi square, with a reliability of 95 % and a lower probability of 0.05. The pathological family history of cancer, smoking, early menarche, the beginning of sexual relations before 17 years old were constituted as risk factors to obtained significant OR values. Having sexual contact with 3 or more partners of the opposite sex, the use of oral contraceptive and age of the first delivery before age 18 were constituted risk factors but there were not significantly. Multiparity type of delivery, and sexually transmitted disease, study sample were not associated to cervical cancer.REFERENCES
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