2016, Number 5
Effectiveness of propolis at 8% in patients suffering from alveolitis
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 83-94
PDF size: 248.44 Kb.
It was carried out an experimental study, controlled clinical trial type, phase III, randomized, double-blind, into two branches, to determine the effectiveness of propolis at 8 % in patients suffering from alveolitis treated in the emergency department of the polyclinic Jimmy Hirzel, from April 2014 to April 2015. The research involved 80 patients from 15 to 50 years without premedication and compensated chronic diseases, thus study group was composed of 40 patients who were treated with propolis at 8 % and the same number in the control group treated with alvogyl. The information was collected through a data collection form where the variables of pain, inflammation, scarring, and response to treatment were studied. The following results showed for the study group: 25 patients (62.5 %) had pain relief within 5 minutes of applying the medicine, 30 patients (75 %) were not swollen in the third consultation, and 36 patients (90 %) were healing and 33 patients (82.5 %) responded favorably to treatment. In the control group, the results showed that 19 patients (47.5 %) got pain relieved within 5 minutes of applying the medicine, 25 patients (62.5 %) were not swollen, 34 patients (87.5 %) had complete healing, and 30 patients (75 %) had a favorable response to treatment. The statistical results showed no significant differences in the application of treatment with a P value of 0.58.REFERENCES
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