2016, Number 5
Creativity in front of mother's list not instituted healthy
Contreras AD
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 70-82
PDF size: 241.32 Kb.
Introduction: mother's instituted non healthy hegemonic role prevents university teacher mother’s to be able to apply creativity to face high costs regarding health well-being that causes the imaginary one social instituted.Objective: to evaluate the application of the formative group through methods and techniques of intervention to value the capacity institution in a creative way to mother's instituted non healthy hegemonic role in university teachers of the University of Granma.
Method: from qualitative investigation we use the intentional sampling; we selected as sample, nine teachers following personnel strategic approach. Research methods used were based on the philosophical methods: dialectical, hermeneutic and phenomenology to elucidate, to understand and to expose the investigation object.
Results: claims of change, and conscience of the contradictions were ratified departing from daily life critics, traditional root in the subjectivity limiting the full and healthy of mother's role in the university space. Specialists and expert appraisers on the intervention program legalize the importance and up-to-date of the topic dealt. They incited to carry out the evaluation of each one of the sessions of group work from the thematic and dynamic indicators of the theory of the inverted cone of Pigeon Rivière and to generalize the intervention proposal.
Conclusions: the evaluation carried out by specialists and expert appraisers evidenced the necessity to generalizing and improving the intervention proposal in function of each formative group and the respective situation in which will be applied.
Cucco García M. Hombres y mujeres ¿sólo un problema de rosa y azul? La formación del sujeto que somos. Capitalismo, relaciones sociales y vida cotidiana. RevSexlogSoc [Internet]. 2013 [citado 25 Abr 2016]; 19(2). Disponible en: http://revsexologiaysociedad.sld.cu/index.php/sexologiaysociedad/article/view/194/279