2016, Number 2
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Geroinfo 2016; 11 (2)
Deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL) y comorbilidad
Cascudo BN, Varona GDG, Brenes HL
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 173.06 Kb.
Objectives: To specify the importance of investigating the mild cognitive
impairment, prevalencia, concepts, diagnostic classifications, factors of risk and
their relationship with the multimorbidity/comorbidity.
Development: These investigations will be valued, concepts, approaches,
controversies and the important relationship with the comorbidity.
Conclusions: Importance of enlarging the investigations in this given field the
complexity in their diagnosis for their heterogenic dad and uncertainty for their
value predictive. The importance of the early detection of the decline cognitive
is vital due to the implications partner-singular, socioeconomic and family and
its relationship with the comorbidity that will allow to continue perfecting the
diagnostic tools of this entity.
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