2016, Number 1
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Geroinfo 2016; 11 (1)
Depresión en cuidadores principales y síntomas psicológicos conductuales de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer
Garzón PM, Pascual CY, Collazo LEC, Cárdenas RY
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 169.55 Kb.
Introduction: aging is a biological process, intrinsic of the demographic
transition. Cuba is the second country more aged of Latin America, increasing
the biomedical, psychological and social necessities of the elderly, being the
Alzheimer's disease the most common. The biggest cost is the human,
especially the principal caregivers that constitute a group of high risk due to the
progressive and irreversible inability of the sick person's personality and to the
strong emotional load that they bears.
Objective: to identify the relationship between the psychological-behavioral symptoms of patient with Alzheimer's disease in the minor and mod moderate stages, and the depression that their
principal caregivers experience.
Method: A descriptive–correlate study in 35 principal caregivers of patient with Alzheimer's disease in the minor and moderate stages was made in the "Carlos Manuel Portuondo" policlinic at Marianao municipality. For the processing and statistical analysis of the information contingency tables were made. The statistical association was evaluated by means of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r).
Results: the psychological-behavioral symptoms that he/she associated
significantly with the depression perceived by the principal caregivers of patient
with minor and moderate Alzheimer's disease were the euphoria with a level of
0,004 (r=-0,470).
Conclusions: it is considered that it must be carried out intervention programs
directed to the principal caregivers of patient with Alzheimer's disease because
they are in danger of experiencing distressing situations.
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