2017, Number 1
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2017; 18 (1)
Multiple Sclerosis in Central America and the Caribbean: Current Status and Care Recommendations
Gracia F, Parajeles VA, Panday A, Guirado-Romero AE, Molina KB, Treviño-Frenk I
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 76-88
PDF size: 204.96 Kb.
Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a very
serious, highly debilitating and costly disease.
The medical management of MS is complex and in
regions and countries with relatively limited health
care systems and reduced financial resources, the
impact of MS on individuals and society can be
Method: To better understand the issues related
to MS management in Central America and the
Caribbean, a group of experts from the Region
and nearby countries were assembled to assess
the status of MS and provide recommendations to
government, organizations and practitioners.
Results: Based on an extensive review of
the literature and their personal experiences,
the Panel concluded that surveillance and
epidemiology efforts within and between each
country in Central America and the Caribbean
needs substantial improvement and that MS is
clearly mis- or undiagnosed to a great extent in the
Region. Also, there is a need for comprehensive
pharmacovigilance programs, better continuing
education programs for clinicians and out-reach
to communities, and the development of clinical
guidelines relevant to the Region that stress the
internationally accepted criteria to diagnosis MS,
and its progression and treatment. In addition,
the availability and appropriate use of approved
medications, and more community-based, publicservice
programs focused on MS are also urgently
Conclusions: Medical societies and government
should devote more resources toward educating
health professionals and the public on all aspects
of MS, and government should provide and support
all necessary and well-grounded treatments.
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