2016, Number 2
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Rev Acta Médica 2016; 17 (2)
The burned patient as an oxidative stress model
Miquet RLM, Reyes SMDY, Delgado RL, Rodríguez GRA
Language: Spanish
References: 79
PDF size: 153.64 Kb.
Burns provoke a response to aggression that can be amplified, both physiologically and
biochemically. Free radicals are released from the injured tissues and inflammation
amplifies this reaction. The measurement of specific serum biomarkers of oxidative
stress is a innovative tool for determining the intensity of the oxidizing process in the
body and, of course, be able to modulate this situation. The present work reviews and
describes the basic elements of oxidative stress, to identify the variables associated
with its presence and know the potentialities of a therapeutic modulation based on the
pathophysiology of the burned patient, as the elements that lead to an undesirable
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