2015, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2015; 7 (1)
Validation of the Memory Impairment Screen (MIS) for dementia in the Mexican population
Ortiz X, Gamez D, Salinas R
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 7-15
PDF size: 186.00 Kb.
The objective of the study was to validate the Memory
Impairment Screen (MIS) in Mexican population for the
detection of memory disorders associated with dementia.
Participated 101 healthy volunteers and 61 patients
with Alzheimer’s disease in mild and moderate degree,
recruited in residences for older adults and in the service
of Geriatrics of a University Hospital. We applied the MIS,
the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Test of Pfeiffer, and
the Geriatric Depression Scale. The results indicated significant
differences between the sample control (
M = 7.57,
SD = 0.79) and patients (
M = 1.44,
SD = 1.43) in the total
score of the MIS (maximum = 8). The sensitivity of the MIS
is 75% and the specificity is 66%. These and other results
indicate that the Mexican version of the MIS complies with
requirements of brevity, simplicity and sensitivity for the
detection of alterations of memory.
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