2005, Number 5
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Rev Mex Urol 2005; 65 (5)
Penetrating genital traumatism. Two cases presentation: Lesions for steel and projectile of firearm
de Silva GA, Hernández MN, Martínez MME
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 344-350
PDF size: 104.41 Kb.
The lesions caused by the direct action of a sharp instrument or for firearm projectile either in an accidental or secondary way to an aggression are rare, and they should consider serious. They needs of surgical handling and whenever it is possible we will be necessary to attempt the reconstruction of the affected area of first time. We present two cases of genital lesions of penetrating type, the first one with lesion for steel in intent of amputation of the penis which interested skin, dorsal complex veins and the cavernous bodies. The second case corresponds to a lesion that involve the glans, the proximal urethra, the cavernous bodies and both testicles caused by two projectiles of firearm of high to be able to AK47. In both cases one carries out the reconstruction in a successful way so much from the functional point of view as aesthetic. We carry out an analysis about these types of lesions.
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