2016, Number 2
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients attended to Internal Medicine consultation
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 190-201
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The metabolic syndrome is related with an incresse of diabetes risk, coronary illness and illness cerebrovascular for what constitutes a problem of health that can be reverted, if we diagnose it and we use the rehabilitation on time.Objective: to determine the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the patients of the consultation of internal medicine of the University Hospital ¨Dr. Carlos J. Finlay¨ in the period of January to December of the 2013.
Method: he/she was carried out a longitudinal descriptive study in 500 patients coming from the medicine consultation, of January to December of the 2013. For the diagnosis he/she was carried out physical exam (I weigh, it carves, index of corporal mass, arterial tension, abdominal circumference) and laboratory tests (cholesterol, triglycerides, glicemia). For the statistical prosecution they were used technical descriptive, the test of square Chi of Pearson. For the quantitative variables it was used the test of Student and K. Wallis. Did he/she take as level of statistical significance a value p ≤ 0,05, interval of trust to 95 %.
Results: the prevalence of 15,6 % was demonstrated (78 patients), carried out in 500 patients that went to the medicine consultation in the outlined period.
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