2015, Number 2
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2015; 7 (2)
About human strengths and gender differences
Sánchez HÓ
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 107-117
PDF size: 138.42 Kb.
In this paper I describe the strengths of the study of Ovejero
and Cardenal (2015) emphasizing the importance and
success of adding the analysis of the relationship between
gender roles and human strengths with the consequent
results and insights derived. The most interesting finding
reported in the case of femininity is that there are positive
relationships between this construct and human strengths,
but in the case of masculinity, relationships are negative. The
literature mentioned by the authors regarding gender differences
in human strengths complemented with other studies
is reviewed. New questions and lines of inquiry based
on these first results on gender roles are proposed, some of
them mentioned by the authors. The proposal of replication
studies, given the novelty of the analysis of these variables, is
pointed out as well as possible future practical applications.
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