2016, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (2)
Rehabilitation with electroacupuncture in chronic sacrolumbalgia for deficiency of kidney
Díaz CA, Contreras TJM, Barroso ED, López DR, Caraballoso RT, Caraballoso RD, Esquivel EI, Estrada DG
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 143-155
PDF size: 256.05 Kb.
Introduction: The sacrolumbalgia is an affection that suffers the 80 % of the
population in any moment of their life, they could be sharp or chronic, and evolve
for crisis, in their appearance diverse causes are invoked.
Objective: determining the efficacy of the acupuncture in the rehabilitation of the
chronic sacrolumbalgia for deficiency of kidney.
Method: it was carried out an explanatory experimental study in the Policlinic Tula
Aguilera of the Camagüey municipality in the period of January of 2014 to January
of the 2015, the universe was constituted by all the patients that they went to the
Service of Rehabilitation with sacrolumbalgia, selecting it how sample those that
diagnosed sacrolumbalgia for deficiency of kidney, and that they fulfilled the
established approaches, those that were assisted in the in the consultation of
Traditional and Natural Medicine they divided each one in three groups according to
the traditional etiology with 30 patients and applies to you treatment electro
acupuncture with tonic method up to 30 sessions in the points selected according to
the diagnosis.
Results: the answer to the treatment was bad in the 7,8 % in the group of 1 to 3
years of evolution, with prevalence of the etiology for deficiency of energy of
kidney, the patients with sacrolumbalgia for deficiency of Yin of kidney improve
their symptoms almost in the entirety and the evidenced an efficacy of the 100 %
in this group, considering the deficiency of the energy of kidney that of more torpid
evolution only with the 83,3 % recovered.
Conclusions: the electro acupuncture is an effective method in order to be the
chronic sacrolumbalgia for deficiency of kidney.
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