2016, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2016; 35 (4)
Comparative study of the methods of electrocardiographic signal delineation based on Transformed Wavelet
Pérez GRE, Noriega AM, Céspedes PA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 311-322
PDF size: 421.05 Kb.
Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases represent the most frequent cause of premature death and disability worldwide. They are the second cause of death in Cuba, with sizeable increase in a short period of time.
Objectives: To make a comparative study of the main automatic delineators of electrocardiographic signals based on the Transformed Wavelet in order to confirm the effectiveness of each of them at the time of detecting and delineating the start of the QRS complex, the main peak of the wave in QRS complex and the end of the T-wave.
Methods: The study was performed by using the delineation of a set of simulated signals affected by the mechanical effect of respiration and noise taken from real registers of stress tests. Additionally, the different uniderivational and multiderivational automatic systems of electrocardiographic signal delineation based on Wavelet Transform and they were applied to the referred signals.
Results: The variability of the uniderivational method errors for the different leads was confirmed; hence it is not easy to choose one of the 12 leads as the most suitable for the wave delineation. The multiderivational strategies perform better in the wave peak and in the waves with lower signal-to-noise ratio.
Conclusions: The delineation methods based on Wavelet Transform do not require any prefiltering or preprocessing for noise elimination. The multiderivational method is the one that makes the best use of the spatial information provided by the orthogonal leads, thus allowing a more precise delineation of the electrocardiographic signal in the waves with lower signal/noise ratio.
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