2016, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2016; 55 (4)
Malignant pleural mesothelioma in eight patients and review of topic
Armas MK, García RME, Acosta PS, Armas PBA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 340-347
PDF size: 63.22 Kb.
Several etiopathogenetic, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of the
malignant pleural mesothelioma, fearful and infrequent disease in our context, are
updated. It was really impressive the case of a female health professional that was
recently treated at early stage of disease and barely survived one year. The
objective of this review was to raise the level of knowledge on this disease in oder
to improve survival rates. To this end, eight patients with this diagnosis, who were
studied and treated in "Amalia Simoni", "Manuel Ascunce Domenech", "Madame
Curie" hospitals in Camaguey and in "Martin Chang Puga" in Nuevitas from 1998 to
2015 were presented. Their clinical picture, supplementary tests, diagnosis, medical
and surgical treatment and final results were described. Half of them were smokers
with initial small pleural effusion that made the specialists suspect the existence of
the disease. There were three patients whose diagnoses surprised the physicians
because they were unexpected. Survival was low and the average survival rate was
11 months, although one managed to live two years. The indicated supplementary
tests were similar to those of other reports and adjusted to our setting. Treatment
was updated and consistent with other series at the time of diagnosis. The casuistry
in our conditions was compared to others and it was similar in terms of diagnosis,
treatment and survival rates to the one shown in foreign publication. Regardless of
some unavailable diagnostic and therapeutic resources, the results of the treatment
agree with those of the current literature on the topic and the survival rate was
undoubtedly negative.
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