2016, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2016; 55 (4)
The ultrasound as an indicator of absence of abdominal injury in trauma
Arrué GA, Acosta LJ, Tarafa RY, Cabrera BAM
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 296-303
PDF size: 104.22 Kb.
Introduction: The abdominal trauma is an important problem in emergency
services and the ultrasound is a widely used diagnostic method nowadays.
Objective: To establish the diagnostic usefulness of ultrasound scan to predict
absence of injury in patients with abdominal trauma.
Method: Prospective and observational research study was made in 68 patients in
"Dr. Luis Diaz Soto" military hospital from January to December 2015. An initial
ultrasound was performed on these patients for injure location. The secondary
diagnostic exams after the first ultrasound scan and how long they lasted were
Results: In the group, 77.2 % of the patients showed negative results in the initial
ultrasound exam whereas 14 patients needed another diagnostic procedure. The
evolutionary ultrasound was the one providing more indications after 6 hours of the
first exam. Only two patients showed evidence of abdominal injury for a sensitivity
index of 88%, 100% specificity, 96.2 % negative predictive value and 97 %
Conclusions: The combination of negative findings in the initial ultrasound and the
favorable clinical progress during 12 to 24 hours virtually discard the existence of
abdominal injure from trauma.
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