2016, Number 1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2016; 8 (1)
Independence between video game use and perception of violence in adolescents of Cuernavaca
Dorantes-Argandar G, Molina-Vega Luis-Fernando
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 69-84
PDF size: 151.83 Kb.
The perception of violence is determined by a large number
of variables that may be contextual or cognitive. Video
games are a contextual stimulus that is ever-present in those
children that develop in an urban context. This study sought
to determine if the daily use of video games had an effect
in the perception of violence of the children from the city
of Cuernavaca. A sample of 202 secondary school children
from the municipality of Cuernavaca was studied through a
brief questionnaire. Statistical analyses found that perception
of violence is a complex construct that is determined by the
different settings one may be embedded in. There is a relationship
between those settings that may allow constructing
a model. Additionally, it was found that the use of video games
by children does not affect the perceptions of violence they
may construct from their surroundings.
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