2014, Number 2
Divergences and convergences between Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Psychotherapy
Cristina LM
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 825-846
PDF size: 393.28 Kb.
Cognitive Therapy has not been the clinical application area of concern of Cognitive Psychology, although it has encouraged it‟s promotion. This article discusses, firstly: the origins and evolution of cognitivism, how the crisis of behaviorism, Eysenck questioning‟s to the efficacy of psychotherapies, and the epistemological debate of that time influenced the cognitive revolution; secondly, their discrepancies between basic and clinical cognitivism: the Cognitive Psychology‟s orientation to cognitive processes and Cognitive Psychotherapy‟s focus in cognitive contents that influences the psychopathological behavior; thirdly, the convergence between them as a result of research on contents and processes of the mind, and the developments in neuroscience, which have provided new basis to the theory and techniques of Cognitive Therapy. Finally, the psychotherapy‟s effects over the brain activity are highlighted. The need for adjustment between objective and hermeneutics methods, are identified as areas with plenty of opportunities for improvement. Also, it will get closer research and clinic practice.