2014, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (2)
The presence of unresolved negative emotions and their association with the commission of a crime in men sentenced
Ceballos JJG, Valdez MJL, González-Arratia LFNI
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 441-454
PDF size: 519.48 Kb.
The objective of this project was to identify unresolved negative
emotions by people (frustration, hatred, shame, guilt, envy,
jealousy) and their possible association to commit a crime
(homicide, kidnapping, rape, theft). For this purpose and with
previous authorization of the institution and the participants it
was applied the questionnaire called "Negative Emotions" to 20
male recluses in the C.P.R.S. "Santiaguito" Almoloya de
Juárez. The results revealed that, in all participants there is the
presence of unresolved negative emotions associated directly
with the crime for which they are deprived of their liberty.
Unresolved negative emotions mostly detected were: frustration
and hatred associated with the commission of homicide,
kidnapping, rape and theft. These findings allow us to observe
that unresolved negative emotions not only promote the
presence of anxiety disorders and depression as marked in the
literature but are also an important factor in some people who
are not appropriately addressed can lead to criminal acts.
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