2017, Number 1
Effectiveness of auricular therapy in adults’ primary hypertension based on traditional diagnostic
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 787-805
PDF size: 1149.90 Kb.
Background: a good way to treat high blood pressure is auricular therapy. Hypertension is the commonest and most expensive of the chronic diseases.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of auricular therapy in adult’s high blood pressure.
Methods: a therapeutic intervention was carried out at Military Hospital "Dr. Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja". The sample was made up of 168 patients, among the 358 patients with uncontrolled high blood pressure who attended hospital in three years. Two groups were formed with 84 patients. Auricular or combined therapy with the previous pharmacological treatment was applied to the group studied and the other was treated with conventional therapy. Follow-up lasted one year.
Results: the 50 to 59 age group was the most affected, with better partial control for auricular therapy. High cholesterol and anxiety accounted for associated risk factor and disease in personal history. The liver was the most affected organ according to traditional diagnosis. There were significant differences in blood pressure control between both treatments. Auricular therapy showed better results in short time.
Conclusions: the combination of auricular therapy and medicines were more effective than conventional treatment.
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