2017, Number 1
Mortality of the adult in chronic hemodialysis
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 773-786
PDF size: 995.50 Kb.
Background: hemodialysis gives two million people all over the world the opportunity of living for many years; that is why guaranteeing the quality of this procedure is necessary. This quality is equivalent to the combination of multiple details, which make it up and at long term determine the quality of life and survival of the patient. Nevertheless, there are some individual risk factors that modify the evolution of the patients in dialysis and impede improving the results of the treatment, presenting a high mortality and worse quality of life for patients.Objective: to determine how adult mortality behaves in the chronic hemodialysis program in the nephrology service in the “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” provincial hospital from January 2003 to december 2012.
Methods: a descriptive observational retrospective study was carried out in order to determine the behavior of adult mortality in the chronic hemodialysis program in the nephrology service in the “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” provincial hospital from January 2003 to december 2012. All the deceased patients were included in the study. The variables related to the patient were age, sex causes of TCRD, vascular access, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypertension, hypotension, and causes of death. The data were obtained from clinical records, deceased records, death certificates, and necropsy records.
Results: mortality predominated in diabetics patients (32,3 %), men (59%), and people older than 60 years old (49,6%) who presented in 50,3% transitory haemodialysis vascular accesses.
Conclusions: cardiovascular pathology, followed by infections, predominated as direct cause of death.
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