2016, Number 6
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2016; 54 (6)
Dynamic, long-term, and institutional psychotherapy to treat persistent depressive disorders
Garibay J
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 714-725
PDF size: 343.17 Kb.
Background: Major depression is a public health problem that threatens
to become the second leading cause of disability in the world. In this
study we show the results obtained once we applied a psychodynamic
psychotherapeutic and long-term process in patients with major depressive
disorder, attending a public health institution (PHI).
Methods: From a list of female volunteers, we randomly selected 30
patients who met the diagnostic criteria of major depression. They were
divided into 5 groups, with 6 members each. Due to the high percentage
of early desertions, we had to select from the very same list other
28 depressed women. In this framework there was not a full-time psychotherapist
organizing and directing the psychotherapeutic process; the
patients themselves were the ones who assumed such functions.
Results: From the group of 58 patients, 26 completed the program
scheduled. From this subgroup, 20 were responders and the rest, the
other 6, non-responders. After the end of the psychotherapeutic process,
the latter kept ingesting psychotropic drugs.
Conclusions: If we correct the mistakes made in this first opportunity
and we implement new strategies, the psychotherapeutic process can be
transformed into a more institutional tool. Psychotherapy directed only
to the cases difficult to solve is significantly effective, safe, cheap, and it
may achieve a wide coverage.
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