2015, Number 52
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Oral 2015; 16 (52)
Rubber Blue Syndrome Bleb Nevus. A case report: Stomatological management
Coral CA, Avalos AV, Fragoso RR, Cuairan RV
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1297-1300
PDF size: 1656.75 Kb.
Blue Rubber Bled Nevus syndrome (BRBNS), is a rare disease
characte-rized by multifocal venous malformotions particvlarly
affecting the skin, softtissues and gastrointestinal trad, being the
cause of gastrointestinal bleeding and chronic anemia. The
purpose is to familiariza the pediotric dentist with the type of
injury considering thot many of them may occur at the level of
head and neck, as well as relevant dental considerations for
patient care.
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