2015, Number 52
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Oral 2015; 16 (52)
Adaptation and compact microfiltration amalgams by manual and mechanical method
López MCI, Vargas GME, Arroniz PS, Gómez MA, Furuya MAT
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1291-1296
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The amalgam has beco me the best filling material for posteriorteeth
in Class 1 cavities, because is easyto handling. The
objedives were to evaluate and compare the degree of
microleakage, adaptation and porosity of omalgom pocked
by manual and mechanical methods. 60 premolars decayfree
were used, which were class 1 occlusal cavities, and then
30 teeth were filled by manual method and 30 teeth by the
mechanical method. Then token too mochine thermocycling
for 500 cycles at a temperatura of 55
oc and 10
oc. lt is
varnished and placed in basic fuchsin for 12 hours. Finally
the teeth were bucal-linguolly sedioned, ond onolyzed
microscopicolly. Amalgams compactad by the mechanical
method showed less number of dead spaces, better
adaptotion ond less microleakoge than the compaded by
the manual method. With mechanical compadion will
produce a more uniform amalgam, better adapted to the
covity wolls to ensure the success and longevity of the
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