2017, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2017; 12 (1)
Efficacy of homeopathic treatment in patients with bacterial pneumonia acquired in the community. Children Hospital Norte de Santiago de Cuba
García LY, Leyva AMM, Massieu CRM, Rodríguez OY
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 2-10
PDF size: 1141.40 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in patients with bacteria l pneumonia
acquired in the community.
Method: A controlled clinical study was conducted in which two groups with hospitalized children formed
to evaluate the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment in the main symptoms of 40 pa tients with bacterial
pneumonia acquired in the communit y who entered the Multipurpose Intensive Care Unit Pediatrics at Children
North Hospital from January 1st to December 31st, 2011.
Results: Among the patients studied, the age group most affected was between 1 and 4 years (72.5%). Polipnea,
fever and cough were the most frequent symptoms. The most used homeopathic remedy was Natrium
sulphuricum. 77.5% of the patients showed improvement.
Conclusions: The efficacy obtained with the association of homeopathic treatment with conventional
treatment is demonstrated. Its application is secure. The patients studied show a faster and better clinical
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