2016, Number 3
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2016; 13 (3)
Necessity of trascendence in oncological patients who are middle-aged adults
López HY, Pérez CC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Objective: Identify the presence of necessity of trascendence, and some of its characteristics in oncological patients who are middle-aged adults.
Methods: It is a quantitative qualitative non-experimentaldescriptive cross-sectional study, in which 21 oncological patients, and 21 apparently healthy subjects from the basic group of work
no 1, at Mario Escalona Reguera policlinic health area were the participants. The research was
carried out from September2014 through March 2015. A survey and a scalogram were used to
collect information.
Results: It was found that 95.2% of oncological patients and 80.9% of apparently healthy
people considered as something important that after they died, other people apply their
successful results reached when they were alive. It was a necessity for 33.3% of patients, and
for 23.8% of healthy subjects to leave traces. 100% of oncological patients consider that their
current actions may be important for relatives and friends in a future, when they were not alive.
This is also valid for healthy subjects. The main difference is that among patients, 61.1% out of
the total recognize they “do things” to achieve this purpose, while among healthy subjects only
19% recognize that.
Conclusions: In both groups, trascendence has been considered important. It has only been
transformed into a significant necessity in oncological patients.
Necessity of trascendence has always existed in patients suffering from cancer as a felt
necessity, but after the diagnosis it is reinforced.
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