2016, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2016; 32 (2)
Passive smoking and crisis relapsing in asthmatic children in preschool age
Alexander CM, Capote RA, Rodríguez SA, Sardiñas ASY
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 191-201
PDF size: 154.37 Kb.
Introduction: environmental tobacco smoke is a significant risk for the health of
younger children. We intend to study the role of passive smoking to asthma suffering
in children.
Objective: to identify the presence of passive smoking and its association with
relapsing crisis in asthmatic preschool children.
Methods: longitudinal case-control study (n=320) at the Allergology service of
William Soler University Pediatric Hospital of Havana, in the time from February 2014
and Janu8ary 2015. We conducted an environmental factors survey to all the
participant individuals. Construction and validation of such survey was carried out by
a group of experts. We used summarizing measures for qualitative variables
(percentages). To assess the association among risk factors we applied the
test and the
odds ratio, as to measure the strength of the relation with it score
estimate and by confidence intervals at 95 percent. We fixed a significance level of
Results: exposition to tobacco smoke was present in 75% of the children with
asthmatic crisis relapsing, with OR of 3.6; out of which 72.5% had smoking parents,
with OR of 4.89.
Conclusions: passive smoking, specially the presence of smoking parents, was the
most important risk factor for the relapse of asthmatic crisis in the studied group.
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