2017, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2017; 28 (1)
Knowledge management and analysis model for the selection of surgical work teams in health information systems applying organizational intelligence techniques
Ramírez PJF, Estrada SV, Morejón VM, Arza PL
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 42-59
PDF size: 856.11 Kb.
The present study is aimed at proposing a knowledge management and analysis
model for the selection of surgical work teams in health information systems, applying
organizational intelligence techniques that improve effectiveness in the formation of
teams. The study was based on a variety of scientific methods, among which
document analysis stood out, and a historical-cultural approach was applied which
took into account the sociotechnical processes of management, analysis and selection
of work teams in the health sector. Development of a model to be used by the
National Health System, which includes the components information management of
surgical services, knowledge management, inference of professional interaction
networks, analysis of surgical processes, and selection of work teams, improves
efficacy in the selection of surgical work teams and has a positive impact on the
increased effectiveness of surgical interventions, thus raising the quality of life of
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