2015, Number 2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2015; 18 (2)
Teenage pregnancy, obstetric risks through labor and immediate puerperium at Leonardo Martínez Valenzuela Hospital
Torres I, Aguilar CE, Flores EJ, López OJ, Flores I, Discua A, Hernández J, Sánchez J, Acosta ME, Castellanos H, Valle E, Herrera E
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 29-34
PDF size: 318.73 Kb.
The problem of teenage pregnancy is one of the mayor concerns for the authorities in every community. The following study was conducted to describe the differences and complications resulting from a full term pregnancy in teenage and adult women. It is a cross-section descriptive study. Data was obtained from the official books of Leonardo Martínez Hospital (Honduras) from April to September in 2014. Within the data, a total of 638 adolescent patients and 241 adult patients beetween 13-19 and 20-25 years old respectively, attended at the Leonardo Martínez Hospital. Of all the patients, 44 had caesarean section, of these 48.27% were adolescent (p=.142). 10% of the patients had low birth weight newborns (‹2500 g), where 81.8% are from adolescent mothers and 18.2% from adults (p=.048). When they were discharged 43% of the adolescent patients were anemic versus 32.4% of the adults (p=.005). As a conclusion teenagers in this study were at higher risk of having low weight newborns, and postpartum anemia.
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